ISO 27001


ISO 27001 is an international benchmark for developing, implementing, and maintaining an information security management system within the organization. The standard specifies the requirements for establishing effective information security controls within the context of the organization to keep its information assets secured. Information assets within the organization may include financial information, IT systems, human resources details, customer and sales information, intellectual property, and trade secrets.   

This standard can be used by any organization, regardless of its size, scope, the field of business, public or private, to develop and implement a business continuity management system based on accepted international best practices.

An information security management system is a systematic way of managing and protecting the organization’s sensitive information and information assets. ISO 27001 helps organizations build trust with their stakeholders and customers. Developing an information security management system based on the best practices specified in ISO 27001 will ensure that the organization has the necessary controls in place to protect its information asset. The standard also requires having a robust risk assessment for information security threats, which are used to develop the required information security controls.


Achieving ISO 27001 Information Security Management System certification will help your organization:

  • Build trust with stakeholders and customers that the organization is in control of its sensitive information assets.
  • Develop a risk assessment process to help identify information security threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Develop information security controls to manage and protect sensitive information assets.
  • Ensuring the implementation of a holistic framework for information security management.
  • Gain new business through this competitive advantage with distinguished clients.
  • Reduce insurance and liability costs through better understanding and management of information security risks.
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